Odysseus on island

Odysseus on island

Sunday, February 23, 2014

walking west

tennyson's poem "Ulysses" more and more
rings true for this aged one
always looking for more and more

he talks about the westward flight
towards sunsets and knowledge

so here I sit
olympics in the background
my Penelope on the couch looking golden
the girls out, somewhere
my own girl out, somewhere
a grandson, somewhere

i am in the West 
i was washing around in the Pacific 
just today

after all this
what more knowledge do i need

i am not like Ulysses
the sirens ring tinnitus
scylla shares nightmares
polyphemus promises polyester
those lazy looped eyes of the goddesses
mercury driven wings of whimsy
do not hold me capture

how far did he go, 
back and forth
back and forth
tossed off course
back again
so alone
in that wine dark sea

I wonder
did he ever catch the sun of flight
and of knowledge
after all of Athena's secrets
after King Helios let sail 
the Phoenician winds

would he have been better
sitting still

there is something 
to say for home
twenty years yearning

a new kid on the block
he is blond
and when his mother sets him on the sand
he darts towards the gold shore
and stretches his basketball arms towards the blue

the blue is everything
did Ulysses know ahead of time
racing toward home
Penelope would be wearing Dodger Blue

i live in the west - almost as far as you can get
i have a neat tidelog book to look at 
how the waters go from here to there 
with each passing moon

i slumber in the west
i eat in the west
i play in the west

there have been mythical groves of fruit
that for decades americans have
in exodus journeyed from afar

i have tasted the better fruit
with less toil than they

i live about as west as you can get
thinking of those states 
with no coast

i am so unlike Ulysses

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